Category: Applied Sciences

Community page about nanotechnology and nanoresearch. (Independent) Hungarian Virtual Network of NanoScience for researchers, students, industrial partners.

“Frédéric Joliot-Curie” National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene: Following the decision of the Hungarian Government taken in 1954, the Institute was founded by the Ministry of Health under the name Central Research Institute for Radiobiology on January 1, 1957.The Government set as a basic task for the Institute to “study the radiation-induced diseases and their healing that could arise in some persons or groups of people in the course of peaceful utilisation of nuclear energy or its use for military purposes, and through an extensive application of radioactive isotopes”.

The Hungarian Academy of Engineering (HAE) is a non-profit association of experts, which was established on the 29th of January, 1990 by 42 founding members, from the engineering and technical scientific elite of the Hungarian society. At present HAE has 180 members. In electing new members, covering every field of technical life and the adequate representational of different fields are among the basic criteria. The HAE aims to foster international integration of creative engineering activities by establishing the constitutional framework and functioning conditions of an independent national engineering academy in the Hungarian Republic in such a way, so as to enable the organised co-operation with the Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS; Washington), and with the engineering academies of other countries, Hungarian scientific associations, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Federation of Technical and Scientific Societies, institutions of higher education, and research institutions.

Founded in 1949, the Scientific Association for Infocommunications (formerly known as Scientific Society for Telecommunications) is a voluntary and autonomous professional society of engineers and economists, researchers and businessmen, managers and educational, regulatory and other professionals concerned in the fields of telecommunications, broadcasting, electronics, information and media technologies in Hungary. The Scientific Association for Infocommunications (in Hungarian: HÍRKÖZLÉSI ÉS INFORMATIKAI TUDOMÁNYOS EGYESÜLET, HTE) has a membership of more than 1600 individuals who are distinguished and highly qualified members of their professions and 100 corporate members. Among the corporate members large companies and small-and-medium enterprises with industrial, trade, service-providing, research and development activities as well as educational institutions and other organizations can be found.

Bay Zoltán Institute of Logistics and Production Engineering was founded by Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research in 1993. The Institute is located in Miskolc, Hungary. The Institute is a member of the chain of new institutes in the Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research. With help of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Germany) the Foundation has been made by the Hungarian government for including the new generation of the Hungarian engineers into the modern research made on the international level. Young engineers and scientists under the leading of experienced researchers, mainly from the university staff, are doing the research in this Institute, which is located on the campus of the University of Miskolc. The Institute participates in the University education, and his new modern laboratories give excellent possibilities for the students to do research as well as make their diploma theses. In the research the main task is to help the small and middle sized industry with solving high level technological and logistical problems.

The research and professional activities of the Institute is to help to achieve improvement in technical, economic and social knowledge with regard to transport, improvements in transport safety and environmental protection, and contributions to the welfare of present and future generations. Main activities include: Road matters, road administration, bridge matters, Vehicle operation and maintenance, Environmental protection, Transport safety, traffic engineering, Network planning, Transport by water and air, Public transport, transport in cities, Logistics-goods transportation, Transport economics.

The Institute contributes to the following main research fields: surface chemistry and catalysis, nuclear and isotope chemistry. Research activity of the Institute is focused on the field of surface science and catalysis, and nuclear chemistry, with special emphasis on the multilateral cooperation of the two fields: application of nuclear techniques in the surface chemistry and utilization of the knowledge gained by nuclear chemistry in surface chemistry and catalysis.

The institute is devoted to basic and applied research in atomic, nuclear and particle physics, the applications of physical methods and knowledge in other fields of science (materials research, environmental and earth sciences, biological and medical research etc.) and in solving practical problems (for industry, agriculture, medicine etc.), developing techniques and instruments for basic and applied research, taking part in higher education.

The Institute is the research centre for plant protection and it is involved mainly in basic research in the fields of plant pathology, entomology, ecotoxicology, pesticide chemistry, herbology and disease resistance of crop plants. In addition to the basic research, most of the individual scientists are involved in postgraduate training, applied research as well as in innovation.

The profile of the Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences involves complex, interdependent, basic, methodological and applied research projects culminating in practical applications. The basic aim is to use the internationally renowned germplasm accumulated in Martonvásár over the past fifty years, combined with up-to-date methods from the fields of genetics, physiology, cell and reproduction biology, functional genomics, biotechnology, plant breeding and crop production, in order to develop new, generic plant genotypes satisfying the future demands of society, and to carry out research on production technologies and the environment.