Marco Zordan is an engineer-designer within the wood industry. His creations represent a fusion of natural-wood materials, computer technology and entertainment electronics. To best capitalize his creativity and prefect knowledge andunderstanding of living materials he specializes in matching them to tools of contemporary information technology such as plasma televisions, subwoofers and monitors thus creating a range of very unique and attractive masterpieces. Marco Zordan unique creations have caught among others the attention of IPE Cavalli Ltd, this latter consequently including the Maya chair in its range of high end design furniture. The piece was presented at IPE Cavalli’s booth at th Internationa Furnitur Trade Fair 2008 in Milan, supplemented with some features of added by IPE Cavalli designers. (armrest, headpiece decoration, cushion, chrome plated monitor holder, etc.) The site is also available in Russian, Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian languages.