The forest and partly ornamental nursery company based on the production dates of the Hungarian forest reproductive material inventories regarding the last five years can be defined: the leading private forest nursery enterprise in the East-Hungarian region. They manage three forest nurseries: in Füzér (18 ha), in Karcsa (12 ha), and in Mezőcsát (14 ha). The activities include seed collection and seed trade distribution regarding oaks, beech, noble hardwood and wild fruit species. The reproductive material assortments cover the plant material demand of afforestations, Christmas tree and the noble walnut plantations. The strength of our production structure is that beside the stand-forming broadleaves (beech, sessile and pedunculate oaks, Turkey oak and black locust) we can also secure in proportionate rate the needful and recommended associate tree species assortment (lime, maple, hornbeam, wild cherry, wild pear etc.). The company started the North-East Hungarian Forest Gene Conservation and Breeding Program in the year 2001 with the aim of funding more forest seed orchards (sessile and pedunculate oak, wild cherry, wild pear, service tree, wild service tree), which represent the abovementioned region.