The HungarianAmerica Foundation, Inc., is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), tax-exempt organization, incorporated in the District of Columbia in 2003, for charitable, scientific, literary, and educational purposes. In particular, the Foundation’s goal is to promote Hungarian culture and traditions, foster Hungarian-American relations, and contribute to the mutual understanding of our two countries and peoples. The Foundation (formerly Kossuth House Social Club) organizes regular Hungarian cultural events, presentations, art exhibitions and performances, meetings with prominent visitors from Hungary, film screenings, professional networking opportunities, social gatherings, and other activities. The Foundation is operating a very popular Hungarian Language Program in the HRFA Kossuth House in downtown Washington. The Foundation operates the HunEx Portal, an online information and job database for Hungarian professionals and researchers in the United States. On the academic side, The Hungarian American Studies Resource Center aims to bring together scholars interested in Hungarian migration issues and Hungarian-American relations.