The bluedyeing, the row of it, and the technology came from India. In the XVIIIth century in Europe, more and more manufactories were established. In the XIXth the blue dyeing went into a decline during the industrial development. The village-life underwent radical changes, the factory works changed their dressses, and these cases changed the traditions, the claim to the traditional habits in Hungary. Traditional blue dyeing products have been made continuously in the workshop in Szombathely – that can be found from the Austrian border only 10 km far – since 1950. The workshop’s furniture, the used equipments, patterns – origin from the 1900s -, can be used today as wel. The perrotin printingmachine was made in Berlin in 1880, and about 400 pieces of printing blocks belong to it. The owner welcomes guests in his workshop, and after making a previous appointment he can receive bigger groups, to those he performs the workshop, and the process of the manufacture.