Category: Linguistics & Language Institutes

The language tools for English, German and Hungarian on this page are: Dictionary English-German-Hungarian in all directions (for Linux operating systems). Spell checker based on Oo technology, newest German and Hungarian word trees. Grammar checker based on Daniel Naber’s languagetool. Speech synthesizer tools, Hungarian txt2phone converter tool. Perl/TK and Java visual utilities for Text handling. Studies about language handling.

The Hungarian Language – Journal Of The Society Of Hungarian Linguistics. Magyar Nyelv [The Hungarian Language] is the official journal of the Hungarian Linguistic Society, founded in 1904. It was first published in 1905, and has been regularly appearing since then, with no year skipped. Initially, it was financed by donations coming from members of the Society; since 1945 it is financially supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, too. For quite some time now, it has been published quarterly, i.e. in four issues a year, running to an annual total of 32 printed sheets (cca 520 pages). Its primary aim, when it was founded, was to provide a forum for the scholarly investigation, as well as public and educational cultivation, of the Hungarian language. Upon the widening of the scope of interest of the membership of the Society and the increase in the number of its various sections, the range of topics covered by the journal gradually extended beyond the linguistics of Hungarian to that of other languages studied in Hungary, thus primarily to the fields of Germanistics, Romanistics and Slavistics, as well as general and applied linguistics.

The Balassi Bálint Institute, founded on January 1, 2002, is a legal successor, with full authority, of the Hungarian Language Institute (with a history of nearly half a century) and of the International Hungarological Centre (established in 1989). The new institute carries on the basic activities of these two institutions, to which several new ranges of duties have been added. The Institute contributes to the teaching of the Hungarian language and Hungarian studies for non-Hungarians living or provisionally residing in Hungary. For foreigners who receive a state scholarship and are admitted to higher education, it provides preparation in their main subject, information technology and a foreign language. It performs the duties related to the cultivation of the Hungarian language and education of Hungarians living beyond the borders of Hungary; participates in the extended education, linguistic and terminological follow-up training of teachers of Hungarian and other experts beyond the national borders. It organises courses on Hungarian studies and minority rights. In co-operation with the international network of institutions for Hungarian studies, it promotes the education and research of the Hungarian language and culture as well as Hungarian studies abroad. It gives preparatory courses for state-approved language exams in Hungarian as a foreign language, organises exams and takes part in formulating the quality assurance requirements of the language exams.

The primary tasks of the Insitute include research in Hungarian linguistics, general, theoretical and applied linguistics, Uralic linguistics, and phonetics, as well as the preparation of a comprehensive dictionary of the Hungarian language, and the maintenance of its archive materials. Other research projects investigate various aspects, and different variants of Hungarian. Further tasks include the assembly of linguistic corpora and databases, and laying the linguistic groundwork for computational softwares and applications. Besides, the Institute operates a public counselling service on language and linguistics, prepares expert’s reports on relevant affairs on demand, and runs the Theoretical Linguistics Undergraduate and Doctoral Program jointly with Eötvös Loránd University.