The Sonarmed Trading and Healthcare Services Ltd. Co. was established on the 1st of May in 2004 paralell with the accession of Hungary to the European Community. The team – previously the medical branch of a multinational IT company – acted as a sole agent for the Austrian ultrasound producer Kretztechnik AG. between 1991-2002, then as the exclusive representative and service for the South-Korean Medison Ltd. Co. from 1995 onwards. Medison has acquired worldwide reputation thanks to its 3D/4D innovations in the early years of the 21st century. The constantly increasing installed base in Hungary – exceeding 200 units in the meanwhile – has made it necessary to continue in the form of a limited company. The european customer care without frontiers is granted by the founder of Sonarmed, the leading regional Medison distributor of Middle-East Europe.